At Bourne Sports, we fully commit to providing the “stepping-stones” to the next generation by teaching them joyful and engaging sessions, which will provide them with a desire to further pursue physical activity – which makes them healthier and happier individuals. Furthermore, we ensure that all of our weekly sessions are varied to maintain their interest and excitement for playing sport. We will also provide a happy and enthusiastic learning environment for the children whilst adhering to the national curriculum and the high professional standards that we set for ourselves.
Additionally, our further commitment to the parents of the children in our classes is that we will ensure that all our sessions are affordable to you. We fully understand that with a high cost of living, it is very difficult to juggle finances around. Therefore, by keeping the prices of our sessions affordable to you we can create a more inclusive community, who will hopefully share the vision that we do. Additionally, we will also commit to always answering and adjusting our services with any feedback that you may have. Although our classes are to a high professional standard, we will fundamentally act on any constructive feedback that you provide. This will allow us at Bourne Sports and the community to tighten the bond we share, which will allow us to strive forward – together!